Arkansas Division of Workforce Services

Unemployment Insurance Continued Claims

Welcome to ArkNet (Arkansas Internet Continued Claims System)
Please log in: (If you set a PIN on Arkline use that PIN here)
ID (Social Security Number)
PIN (Personal Identification Number)
If you have not already established a four-digit PIN using Arkline, enter your new PIN above and click this box.
Servicios de Interpretación/Traducción disponibles por medio de su oficina local.
Ewōr Jerbal in ukok ikijien jeje im kennaan ilo opij ko ijo kwoj pād ie.
Các Dịch Vụ Thông Dịch/Phiên Dịch có sẵn qua văn phòng địa phương của quý vị.
ArkNet is restricted to users who have established a current and valid Arkansas Unemployment Insurance Claim. Unauthorized use of this system constitutes a security violation. Violators may be subject to disciplinary or civil action, or criminal prosecution under applicable Federal and State laws.
The web browsers best suited for this site are the most recent versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.